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RPWD in Indian Sign Language

Our Goals

  • Get the Indian Government to pass the RPWD 2013 Bill into Act and its future amendments.
  • Translation and clear explanation of the RPWD Act in disability-friendly language.
  • Circulate the news updates regarding the RPWD.
  • Gain the support of million persons to ensure that the Law is followed.

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Latest Happening

The following news are contributed by the leaders of various organisations dedicated to helping the people with disabilities.

June 2014 - Update on RPWD 2014

June 2014 - Update on RPWD 2014

12 Jun 2014 | A.S.Narayanan

A. S. Narayanan, General Secretary of NAD explains, in summary, the current status of RPWD 2014 bill and the future plans.

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An Evening with a Difference

An Evening with a Difference

26 May 2014 | Atiya Hajee

Deaf people turned on TVs to see the Oath-taking ceremony by the new Prime Minister and Ministers which were made accessible in sign language, however their expectations turned out to be a disappointment.

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Workshop at New Delhi

Workshop at New Delhi

12 Apr 2014 | Atiya / Andesha

Organised by NAD on 12th April 2014, the workshop summarizes the perspectives of the different deaf leaders on the desired revisions of the RPWD 2014 bill before it becomes into an Act.

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Status of Interpreters in India

Status of Interpreters in India

7 Apr 2014 | Atiya Hajee

Focuses on the incline and decline in numbers of ISL Interpreters over time, and the poor ratio of interpreters to the deaf people. This needs to change along with RPWD.

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Video Announcements

ISL Interpreter for the live broadcast of Presidential Speech + Republic Day

23 Jan 2015 | A.S.Narayanan

A.S.Narayanan of NAD, announces the news that live broadcast of Presidential Speech on 25th Jan 2015 and Republic Day on 26th Jan 2015 will have ISL interpreter on Bharati TV and DD News + Bharati TV respectively.

Reason for RPWD going to Standing Committee

5 Mar 2014 | A.S.Narayanan

A.S.Narayanan of NAD thanks everyone for support and explains the reason for RPWD going to Standing Committee and the future plans for the RPWD to be tabled in Indian Parliament.

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National Association of the Deaf
Deaf Enabled Foundation
Bombay Foundation of Deaf Women
Deaf Entertainment
Mook Badhir Mandal
Speaking Hands Institute for the Deaf
LEED, Pune
Yuva Association of the Deaf
Archana Ampoules Pvt. Ltd.

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