About Us

We are a steady growing team contributing our united efforts and time for this website. Initially, we started as a group of deaf people with the purpose of keeping everyone aware of the RPWD Act which is yet to be tabled in the Indian Pariliamant and we hope to gain the public support to achieve this.

Once after the RPWD 2013 Act is passed, we plan to form a committee with the goal of interpreting the clauses of the RPWD into Indian Sign Language (ISL) which will benefit the deaf people who are deprived of the knowledge due to the communication barrier.

Next, we will open a forum on each clause of the Act and seek the Public opinion for the future amendments of the RPWD Act that will help the persons with disabilitites in India.

 We are recruting new members who will contribute for the above goals. If you wish to be a part of this proactive team, please e-mail your request to info@inspiralive.com along with clear explanation of your profession and experiences which you feel will contribute to the strength of our goals.

Written by Aqil Chinoy

The Team

Manan Shah

Manan Shah
Project Coordinator

Manan is an active worker who ensures timely completion of projects and that the RPWD.in website is up-to-date.

Arti Umrotkar

Arti Umrotkar
Graphics & Social Media

Arti is creative as well as patient as she develops and assists with graphics and photos for this website. She is interested in Social Media and has contributed her time for RPWD.

Sunil Sahasrabudhe

Sunil Sahasrabudhe
Translator English-ISL

Rajesh Kethkar

Rajesh Kethkar
Video Editor

Rajesh contributes to the website by providing the videos and photographs of the events such as Workshops, Dharnas and Conferences.

Atiya Hajee

Atiya Hajee
News Editor

Besides an interpreter, Atiya devotes her time for the deaf communities and she has contributed her ideas and notes for the RPWD website.

Mohammed Shafique

Mohammed Shafique
Video Editor & Translator English-ISL

Harish Bhatia

Harish Bhatia
Video Editor & Translator English-ISL

Virbhadrasinh Rathod

Virbhadrasinh Rathod
Video Recorder & Editor

Bilal Chinoy

Bilal Chinoy
International Relations Coordinator

Aqil Chinoy

Aqil Chinoy
Website Founder / Programmer

Hearing that RPWD will make a big positive change in the life of every individual with disabilities in India, Aqil decided to set up this website with the main goal maintaining the awareness and to ensure that every individual get the benefits from this revised RPWD Act.

About inspiralive

inspiralive is a small company co-founded by the two deaf brothers, Aqil and Bilal who, with years of experience, decided to put their heads together and try to give more value-added services for the empowerment of the differently abled people.

Other Types of Disabilitites

Initially, this website was launched with the goal of helping all types of disablitites. However, in the early stages of development, we have gained the support from the deaf associations and started developing the pages for the deaf people. As time goes by, we will be gradually adding other types of disabilitites in our effort to give them the empowerment.

Organisations who wish to utilize this website for assisting the persons of different disabilitites apart from deaf, are welcome to contact us at info@inspiralive.com and we will be more than happy to dedicate some webpages to them and collaborate with them in future.


National Association of the Deaf
Deaf Enabled Foundation
Bombay Foundation of Deaf Women
Deaf Entertainment
Mook Badhir Mandal
Speaking Hands Institute for the Deaf
LEED, Pune
Yuva Association of the Deaf
Archana Ampoules Pvt. Ltd.

List of Sponsors

To add your logo here, kindly e-mail to support@rpwd.in

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